Impact on different

Impact on different

'Impact On Different' office interior design and construction process

In the current time, business executives should consider the workspace design process as a great opportunity to strengthen their competitive features. This is the chance to establish an environment that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction, collaboration, productivity ... that will ultimately help improve business efficiency.

AKIA introduces the new design process of IMPACT, ON DIFFERENT

Our new design process is in place to ensure that the workspace has a significant impact on business performance. This is carried out through a profound understanding of core operations, corporate culture and image and translating these insights into new workspace design initiatives. This new "tailor-made" workspace will best meet the requirements and specifficities of enterprises, thereby increasing business efficiency

The IMPACT, ON DIFFERENT process consists of 6 steps:

  • Survey and evaluate the existing workspaces
  • Discuss and summarize the business's specific characteristics and project's requirement
  • Determine the vision for new workspace and form the Space program
  • Design the ideas
  • Design the details
  • Manage the conversion process & evaluate after operation